The truth of the matter is that the only surefire way to avoid a hangover is to consume alcohol in moderation. However, as science has taught us more about what a hangovers actually are, we have found that there are a number of scientifically-backed methods to successfully mitigating hangover sym...
Anyone who has experienced a hangover will tell you that it’s not an experience they wish to repeat. Nausea, headaches, vomiting and more are all common symptoms of hangovers, but there is one side effect that some people have reported experiencing after a night out of drinking that is worse tha...
One of the most effective methods to avoid a hangover is to keep an accurate count of the number of drinks you have had, and the time period in which you consumed though. Of course, everyone’s tolerance for alcohol is different, and it takes experience to find your limit and recognize when you ar...
Anyone who experiences hangovers on a regular basis knows that not all hangovers are created equal. Red wine is known for gifting those who enjoy it with splitting headaches the next day, whiskey is known for a nauseous morning after while tequila, the greatest culprit of all, combines all your f...